
Below are a list of students I have been fortunate to work with on various research projects.

Current Students

Graduate Students (Masters)

  1. Ujjwal Baskota
    • Project Title: Large Language Models for Cybersecurity in IoT.

Undegraduate Students

  1. Khang Bui (Villanova Undegraduate Research Fund)
    • Project Title: Graph representation learning for the mitigation of IoT-based DDoS attacks
  2. Tommy Nguyen
    • Project Title: Machine-readable datasets for two low-resourced languages: Igbo & Nigerian Pidgin
  3. Jack McIntyre
    • Project Title: Federated learning for IoT intrusion detection


Graduate Students (Masters)

  1. Christopher Kolimago, MS
    • Masters Thesis: Simulating Load Sharing for Resource Constrained Devices.
    • Employment: Software Engineer, 3M

Undergraduate Students

  1. Shiyu Su
  2. Matthieu Waller
    • Project Title: Real-time Information flow tracking in IoT
  3. Katie Cunneen
    • Project Title: Incorporating Security into a Load-sharing IoT-based network.
  4. Carter Schmidt
    • Project Title: Towards developing predictive models to evaluate Asthma group forums
  5. Ryan Vaughan (Villanova Undegraduate Research Fund)
    • Project Title: Graph Clustering on Social Networks using Deep Modularity Networks
  6. Victoria Wiegand (Villanova Undegraduate Research Fund)
    • Project Title: Towards Detecting online dating scams
  7. Maria Monila
    • Project Title: Privacy preserving techniques for medical data.